In this series of articles, we will speak about some tricks, advice, and counselling on how to make great content.
Before we start, what is the first thing you see when looking at any piece of content?
Is it the company logo or name?
The picture? - there is a T-Rex on it.
The copy?
The headline?
Most of the time, the headline is the first thing we look at. We look at it first because it is what draws the eye first. Even if the T-Rex is in close second.
But even if we know that, most headlines are neglected and thought of as unimportant.
Don’t Make These Mistakes In Your Headlines
When writing content, 87% of people think about themselves first. They want to say that they have been 13 years in business, or how awesome they are, or what is sooooo good about them and so on.
And that is an instinct. You have it, I have it, everybody has it. Because we think very highly of ourselves. Now, I don’t say that you have to become super depressed and self-deprecating. Let’s not do that.
What I want you to do is think about your audience. Because guess what? They also think about themselves first. So they don’t care how long you have been there or how awesome you are. What they want to know is…
How could you benefit THEM? How can you resolve THEIR problem?
Instead of having your company name as your headline or saying We are experts at making swords, you could say Do you need a sword? or We help you get the sword that suits you best.
Now, what I also advise you not to do is, use complicated words, mainly coming from an AI.
Look at this headline:
Transform Your Digital Marketing With Our Expert Consultation.
Did you understand it? Like honestly? And, yes, I can hear you saying: “But it says how it can benefit the reader. I mean, they TRANSFORM my digital marketing. Isn’t that great?!”
Yes, maybe.
Wouldn’t it be much more readable and effective if we say Get More Clients or We Help You Get More Clients. It is almost the same thing, but in a way a child of 7 could understand. Even if he/she/whatever is retarded.
Also, quick thumb rule. Sell the hole, not the driller. Meaning: we speak about getting more clients (hole) not using marketing (driller).
Okay, but…
…How To Write Better Headlines?
If you want to improve your headlines, here are the main things a headline should do:
Speak about how it can benefit the reader - We Help You Get Stronger
Spark curiosity - This Will Make You Stronger / Learn How To Get Stronger
Use a simple and clear language - Get Stronger
It can stand on its own. It doesn’t need any copy, just a CTA - Tired Of Being Weak? Call us today….
By following this small checklist, your headlines will be more readable, more effective and your content will perform way better. So, try it and I guarantee you it works.
Talk soon,
P.S. If you want us to help you with your content, get in touch with us today. And if we are a good fit I will take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently, and discuss it with you in depth on a call.
No cost, no obligation.
P.P.S If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard-selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.
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